
Online Coach & Trainer

Dan is here to help you

I began my fitness journey as a 14-year-old, hoping to gain some muscle mass and improve my confidence. I fell in love with the process right away. Training, fitness, and pushing to become the best version of myself have been key features in my life ever since.

One of the most important traits of anybody who succeeds in fitness is their willingness to learn. Throughout my journey, I’ve had the pleasure of working and training alongside some of the most knowledgeable, experienced, and inspirational men and women in the game, and I continue to learn every day.

From state-of-the-art performance facilities to makeshift gym environments in prison, I’ve made it work for myself and those around me. Helping others and watching them succeed and grow is my passion. I’ve coached hundreds of men and women since I initially began in 2017, and I am hoping to help many more.

Becoming the best version of myself has enabled me to grow massively in confidence and has kept me afloat throughout some of the darkest times in my life. So whether you’re brand new and need some guidance, experienced and require some fine-tuning, or at a low level and seeking a physical/mental challenge to prove to yourself how strong you are, I’ve got your back.

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What you will get working with me

Bespoke Online Coaching

Forget the one-size-fits-all approach. Dan offers personalized online coaching that adapts to your unique lifestyle, experience, and fitness goals. Through detailed questionnaires and constant communication, he crafts a plan that's just for you, with the flexibility to adjust as you progress.

Nutrition Tailored to You

Achieve your fitness goals with a custom nutrition plan that fits into your life. From calorie and macronutrient guidance to meal timing and supplements, Dan provides the nutritional blueprint you need to fuel your success.

Custom Training Routines

Whether you're looking to build muscle, lose fat, or improve overall fitness, Dan designs a training plan tailored to your needs. Incorporating cardiovascular, mobility, and form checks, he ensures your workouts are effective and safe.

Expert PEDs & Supplementation Advice

Navigate the complexities of performance-enhancing drugs and supplements with Dan’s experienced guidance. From cycle planning to blood work interpretation, he offers advice tailored to your experience level and goals.

Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life

Set your fitness goals into action today. Let’s talk about creating a workout plan that’s as unique as you are. Fill in the contact form and expect a personal follow-up within 24 hours. Let's make those goals a reality.

What my clients have to say

After a while of doing my own training/diet and following online routines, I decided to search for a Coach to assist me in my fitness goals. Dan seemed like a good choice due to his experience and the detailed information he provides on his website and Instagram. So far, after working with Dan for almost 7 months, I have been able to transform my physique with calculated fat loss and mass-gaining phases, almost recomping my physique in the process. Dan has been a fantastic coach with a wealth of knowledge, his response time is fast and is a great guy to have in your corner, offers a sharp eye and keeps you accountable


Working with Dan as my coach has been an unmatched experience. The dedication he shows to clients, from my experience, is amazing. From weekly check ins, routine creation and alteration, diet, and just general questions, he is always fast to respond with helpful and knowledgeable advice. Each check in, he looks everything over and decides from there what we will do, going forward into the following week depending on the goals set. There is no copy paste responses, everything is done with dedication, and the commitment he shows to us clients, is outstanding. I have been with Dan for roughly 7 months now, and I can’t recommend him enough.


Been with Dan for just over 4 months after initially signing up for a 3 month program, and I’m pretty confident that I’ll continue using his services for the foreseeable future. I’ve made a ton of progress in that time, progress I thought would take me a lot longer! And it’s been enjoyable at the same time, which has made the process almost seamless. The nutrition and training plan was very detailed, but not overwhelming/intimidating, which makes it super easy to follow. By far the best decision I’ve made in regards to improving myself. Looking forward to a productive year. 10/10. Highly recommend.


After trying (and failing) multiple times over a few years to cut my weight, I decided enough was enough and about time I got someone who knew what they were doing. I found Dan quite easily on Instagram and had heard good things on a few online forum’s. I was a bit uneasy at what to expect at first so wanted to ask plenty of questions before I just jumped in. Dan came across extremely knowledgable and was willing to spend his time answering my questions and quickly put me at ease. I told him my likes and dislikes and he quickly came up with a plan that we agreed on. Within the first month I was the lowest weight I’d ever got myself to, after the second month I was at a weigh that I didn’t think was achievable and after the third month just under 2 stones down. During this time the check ins were simple, I didn’t once feel overworked or pressured and in fact found it quite simple to stick to. I had no doubt at all to sign up for another 6 months. I honestly can’t wait to see what I can achieve with Dans guidance and knowledge to to keep pushing me along.


I initially signed up for just 3 months to see if the advice and mentoring was suitable for me. After my questionnaire was returned a bespoke plan was provided swiftly and the routine and splits made sense straight away. The nutritional guidance was spot on and we commenced a cycle of cutting in order to create a lean base on which to build which is the ultimate goal. In under 3 months I shed 18lb of fat while maintaining the muscle mass I had and have never felt or looked better. I renewed my plan early as I knew I would benefit long term from Dans mentoring. I am about to enter a lean bulking phase and have no doubt under Dans guidance I will achieve the goals I have for 2023. I would not hesitate to recommend Dan as his knowledge is excellent and is always on hand for help 24/7. (Leigh’s post-cut picture is on the left).


Over the past few months, while working with Dan, I was able to lose over 20lbs through small tweaks and adjustments to my calorie intake and activity level. Now I’m happy with my bodyfat level, the last two weeks have been dedicated to slowly tapering up my calorie intake. My diet is still clean and consists mainly of whole foods but my portion size is being scaled up and more emphasis is being put on gaining muscle and strength in the gym and I’m already setting new personal records on my lifts! Fitness is still a big priority as I hope to improve with my hiking and bouldering.


After 12 years of consistently lifting, I wanted to try a new approach and take my progress to a new level, and hiring a coach was the logical conclusion. My reason for going with Dan was because I had been aware of his contributions online for years and saw him as someone who always showed how knowledgeable he was in many areas of health and fitness, to the degree that he was able to stand apart and become a valued part of several online communities full of people who already had varying degrees of knowledge and life experience with training, dieting and bodybuilding. I started with a six month package, and was glad I decided to take the plunge and enlist Dan’s services. It gave my fitness journey a new lease of life and helped me see progress which completely changed the way I saw my body. Dan is always on hand to address any concerns, tailor diets and training plans according with lifestyle changes and if something just doesn’t suit. The accountability having Dan as your coach gives is also a surprising motivational tool. I’m really happy with how I’ve finally been able to be consistent with cardio, have much closer focus on diet and it has made me very excited what the next six months of progress with Dan will bring.


After a long period of injuries and operations, I found myself in the worst shape of my life with zero motivation. I knew something had to change because I had a bucket load of excuses to eat rubbish and not train. After following Dan on social media I decided to get in touch. I explained I was not a bodybuilder and that I just needed some guidance and more importantly, some external accountability. Dan is what I needed to get back on track! After a thorough discussion about my short, medium and long-term goals, Dan created a simple, flexible plan for training and nutrition. Always on hand with professional advice delivered in a friendly manner, what more do you need for a lifestyle training coach!


See some of the results from my clients

transformation picture, before and aftertransformation picture, before and aftertransformation picture, before and aftertransformation picture, before and aftertransformation picture, before and aftertransformation picture, before and after

Frequently asked questions